By your side to help you cope with pain
and guiding you through uncertainty.
About You:
You feel overwhelmed. You are tense. You feel helpless. Making good decisions is impossible. An emotional cul-de-sac.
This is a natural response to stress. Separating and divorce are change and change causes stress.
Instead of retreating or engaging in a war of roses, how about making reflected and self-determined decisions for the next steps and your future ?
You are worthy of support in this difficult situation. As your divorce coach I will show you a way out of the emotional cul-de-sac.

About Us:
To be able to help you out of the emotional cul-de-sac, I will tailor my coaching sessions to your needs and questions. If you ...
... are leaving, that you do this with reflection and responsibility.
... were left, to deal with the pain and change.
... feel unheard, to be safe and listened to.
... don't know where to begin, to help you plan.
... don't have a divorce strategy, to discuss and choose one.
... are scared of going to court, to prepare you emotionally.
... fear the change of the status quo, to look at chances.
Sometimes it only takes one session to gain clarity, in other cases longer support is needed. I offer both options. Online or in person.
About Me
" 'What is the bravest thing you have ever said?' asked the Boy. 'Help,' said the Horse." (Charlie Mackesy)
This quote brought tears into my eyes. I read it shortly after I had come out of an exhausting divorce procedure overseas. It made me realise how I would have needed more specific support, validation and a safe space whenever I was stuck. And I should have asked for it.
But eventually the day came where I realised that I had arrived in my future. I could look back at my former partner without hard feelings and I understood the beauty of it, because there are too many people trapped in their separation story. That's the day when I decided to become a coach for divorce and separation.
I have come out on the other side of the cul-de-sac. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could too? Be brave and ask for help.

Break-Up and Divorce Coach Practitioner

Life Coach (ILP)

Guardian at Litem

Protection and assistance in cases of domestic violence
Apart from the emotional challenges there is also the legal aspect of the dissolution of the partnership. It's a project that requires strategies, techniques, action steps, clarity and control.
When the not so good thoughts and feelings stand in the way of dealing with the separation process let's have a look at alternative ones.
When children are involved my certification as a Guardian ad Litem is an important part of applying this knowledge to the complexity of the separation.
This course, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, helps me detect and deal adequately with domestic violence.